Green cleaning services afford numerous benefits to schools, businesses, students, and office workers, including the firm establishment of an organization's commitment to environmental sustainability and long-term human health and safety.
How Green Cleaning Establishes Corporate Social Responsibility
Environment, Social and Economic, and Governance (ESG) is a term many organizations are becoming increasingly familiar with.
ESG scores provide consumers, the labor force, and investors with relevant data regarding an increasing array of global and local organizations based on hundreds of data points derived from a sustainability assessment and industry-specific questionnaires and criteria scores.
According to S&P Global;
The S&P ESG Index Family offers investors exposure to companies according to their ESG profile in the context of country-specific and regional indices.
The key criteria for constituent eligibility and selection in the S&P ESG Index Family are the S&P DJI ESG Scores.
The scores contain a total company-level ESG score for a financial year, comprising individual environmental (E), social (S), and economic & governance (G) dimension scores, beneath which there are on average 21 industry-specific criteria scores that can be used as specific ESG signals.
The S&P ESG Index Family is designed for investors wishing to integrate ESG factors into their core investments, while not straying far from the overall profile of S&P broad market indices.
A well-established green cleaning program tackles numerous ESG points by addressing the realities of:
- Climate change and pollution--specifically plastic content in the oceans.
- Resource scarcity, and;
- Social equity, especially among service employees, i.e., essential workers and other historically vulnerable demographics.
Green cleaning is a major driver in the industry, reflecting sustainable trends and increasing expectations among customers for products and services that respond to the environmentally friendly agenda.
Improving air quality with the aim of preventing allergies, asthma, and infections is a key focus, along with maximizing resources and identifying more efficient cleaning methods.
Reducing the health and environmental impacts of chemicals, products, and processes employed in building cleaning and maintenance—while raising the profile of cleaning as a whole through the “value of clean”—demonstrates that clean is not just a cost burden.
The role cleaning plays in a building is becoming clearer as an investment—especially the green component—and the financial ROI from proper cleaning contributes significantly to a company’s bottom line.
Adopt Green Cleaning to Maximize the Benefits of the Green Building Trend
Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Ozarks' Commitment to Environmental and Social Responsibility
Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Ozarks has taken several steps to lead the way in corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, including:
- Philanthropic efforts to address food security, childhood poverty, and education and literacy.
- Minority community outreach.
- Carbon neutrality commitments, and;
- Water conservation efforts.
References & Resources
- Eco-Friendly Cleaning Business – Add Value to Your Clients and the Environment
- 5 Steps to Green Cleaning For Businesses
- Green Cleaning’s Link to Social Equity
Consumers, investors, and the emerging labor force expect corporate social and environmental responsibility and governance from the organizations they work for, purchase from, and invest in.
A certified green cleaning program for your building checks numerous boxes in what is increasingly being referred to as an ESG score--a metric that may well determine the future of business.
A trained service provider equipped with the right tools and products is necessary for meeting the criteria of third-party green cleaning and building certifications.
Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Ozarks has the solutions that match your business's needs.
Need a service provider that aligns with your organization's values?--Let's talk.
In Oklahoma, dial 918-960-4450
In Arkansas, dial 479-717-2410
In Missouri, dial 417-812-9777