Ramping up your facility's cleaning and disinfection frequencies combined with upgraded application methods is a proven system for improving surface sanitation, minimizing infection, and increasing occupant wellness.
Increased Cleaning Decreases Infection
What's the secret to health, wellness, happiness, improved productivity, increased customer satisfaction, and better grades in school?
Cleaning--good ol' fashioned daily cleaning with soap and water.
The process is so effective, it remains the CDC's go-to solution for eliminating the spread of COVID-19.
Interestingly, the CDC interim guidance specifically for childcare programs, K-12 schools, higher education and business workplaces all emphasize sticking with your normal cleaning routine, using the cleaning products you would normally use, and as always, following the label directions for proper use.
Importantly, the CDC’s workplace guidance (Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 [COVID-19], February 2020) specifically states, “No additional disinfection beyond routine cleaning is recommended at this time.”
This is a strong endorsement of the vital daily role your staff and green cleaning program play in keeping unwanted contaminants out of the building and efficiently removing those that do manage to get inside.
Increasing Disinfection During Outbreaks
During an average year, increased disinfection levels are rarely called for, and the risks posed to occupants should be weighed against the benefit of applying certain chemicals in an enclosed facility.
However, during an outbreak, increasing the frequency of disinfectant applications is highly recommended.
During an outbreak situation, there is a need to increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces to at least twice daily. Some viruses can survive for several days on some surfaces and under ideal conditions may still be capable of causing infection after more than a week.
Increase cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces include tabletops, light switches, doorknobs, handrails, sink taps, bathroom surfaces, kitchen countertops, shared use objects, etc.
The case for this is evidenced by a Florida school that adopted daily disinfection protocols with an electrostatic disinfection appliance, resulting in a significant decrease in student absences.
During the 2018-2019 school year, Flagler used electrostatic technology daily in one of its elementary schools, and stuck to its old method in another.
Those two schools were then compared against the absenteeism rates for 2018.
The school that received daily treatment from the electrostatic technology reported the 14 percent reduction in absenteeism and no outbreaks of illness.
The other school saw a decline in absenteeism, though it was less significant.
Some months are of course worse than other for absenteeism at school.
One of the worst months is December.
The Flagler School that used electrostatic technology each day was able to reduce its absenteeism rate for December 2019 by 53 percent compared to the previous year.
Improved Technologies Increase Safety and Effectiveness
Increasing cleaning and disinfection frequencies, by themselves, will likely yield positive results when enacted safely.
However, the addition of high-tech application methods has proven superior in several ways across multiple industries, from education and retail to hospitality and healthcare.
In addition to spotlighting infection control benefits, manufacturers recommend distributors focus on how electrostatic machines can help customers reduce labor costs.
[...] systems have demonstrated an 80 percent reduction in the time it takes to properly disinfect a space using electrostatic spraying compared to conventional methods.
Most importantly, electrostatic sprayers allow users to apply chemicals in a more efficient, controlled manner, thereby eliminating the danger of chemicals being overused or improperly applied.
Additionally, custodians can adjust the particle size of the spray to create a fine mist suitable for use on electronic equipment that is often overlooked, such as phones and keyboards.
Efficiency Of Cleaning Services Enhanced By Hi-Tech Spray
Increasing cleaning and disinfection frequencies, especially during an outbreak, and when combined with other recommended practices, such as:
- Hand hygiene and awareness, and;
- Contact avoidance;
Is a proven method for increasing facility hygiene, protecting building occupants, and eliminating deadly germs and bacteria.
Outsourcing your organization's cleaning and infection prevention and control services to an experienced provider is a proven method for onboarding vital services without significantly increasing costs or management overhead.
Contact us today and discover why Vanguard Cleaning Systems® is the Standard of Clean® for businesses throughout Northwest Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
In Oklahoma, dial 918-960-4450
In Arkansas, dial 479-717-2410
In Missouri, dial 417-812-9777